El día martes 4 de diciembre de 2018 las Dras. Irene Virgolini y Ora Israel, visitarán nuestro país para participar de esta actividad de la FCDN en el marco de los proyectos de colaboración con la IAEA.
La Fundación Centro Diagnóstico Nuclear invita a este evento académico en el marco de los proyectos de colaboración con la el Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica (IAEA) y la Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA).
Se convoca a toda la comunidad de profesionales de la salud, relacionados con la medicina nuclear y la oncología, a asistir a este Simposio que se desarrollará en Aula Biblioteca Academia Nacional Medicina (ANM).
En esta ocasión contaremos con la valiosa presencia de las expertas invitadas:
Dra. Ora Israel – Experta Internacional IAEA (Israel)
Profesora en Imágenes en la Facultad de Medicina Rappaport, recientemente retirada como Directora de Medicina Nuclear/Pet del Centro Médico Rambam, Israel.
Professor of Imaging at the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology has recently retired from her position as Director of Nuclear Medicine/PET at the Rambam Health Care Campus. Dr. Israel received her MD degree at the Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, Romania prior to immigrating to Israel. She is a graduate of the Nuclear Medicine Residency Program at Rambam and has been a Visiting Professor at the Harvard Joint Program in Nuclear Medicine in Boston, Mass. Dr. Israel has been a pioneer in the development of the hybrid SPECT/CT and PET/CT imaging technology since its beginnings in the late 1990’s. She is the author of 3 textbooks on Hybrid Imaging, over 200 peer-reviewed scientific articles and over 30 book chapters. Dr. Israel is Associate International Editor of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine and a member of the Editorial Boards of additional Imaging journals. Dr. Israel is the 2006 laureate of the Elkeles Prize for Excellence in Research awarded by the Jewish National Fund and has been Associate Director for Research Operations at Rambam between the years 2006-2011. Upon her appointment in 2004 she was the first female Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the Technion. In 2018 she became a (first overseas) Fellow of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI, USA).
Dra. Irene Virgolini – Experta Internacional IAEA (Austria)
Profesora en Medicina Nuclear y Directora del Departamento de Medicina Nuclear de la Universidad Médica de Innsbruck, Austria.
Prof. Virgolini first studied medicine at the University of Vienna, where she also promoted in 1987. Habilitation also took place at the University of Vienna: 1992 in Experimental Nuclear Medicine and three years later in the field of internal medicine. In addition, she obtained the specialist physician’s certificate for internal medicine and the additional specialist for nuclear medicine. She began her professional career as an assistant doctor at the former Secondary Medical University Clinic and at the University Clinic for Nuclear Medicine of the AKH in Vienna, where Virgolini also set up a working group with a focus on experimental oncological nuclear medicine. In 2000, Virgolini was appointed medical director of the Institute of Nuclear Medicine at Lainz Hospital, Vienna. During her work at the Vienna University Hospital, Virgolin’s main interest in oncological radioisotope therapy (“Targeted Radionuclide Therapy”), in particular the development and establishment of new experimental nuclear medicine therapy forms (eg 90Y-DOTA lanreotide or analogue therapy in refractory tumor patients, 90Y-HMCF1 antibody therapy in ovarian cancer patients) in the clinic. Patents were also acquired for the developed radiopharmaceuticals in this experimental clinical area. Numerous invitations to guest lectures and a wide range of awards to the young doctor’s group confirm the international importance of these new developments in nuclear medicine.